Upcoming events.

St. Sebastian Men’s Breakfast Club - The Doctor is In

St. Sebastian Men’s Breakfast Club - The Doctor is In

We're pleased to welcome back Dr. Ray Guarendi, acclaimed author and host of the

nationally syndicated EWTN radio show: The Doctor is In, to speak at our August Men's Breakfast Club.

Dr. Ray combines unique insight with an engaging style that has informed and inspired

audiences worldwide. At our August breakfast, he'll speak about Catholic discipleship for

men, as explained in his book, Thinking Like Jesus; The Psychology of a Faithful Disciple.

Our program begins promptly at 8:45 am with a hearty breakfast, followed by Dr. Ray's

presentation and spirited conversations of consequence. We'll conclude at 10 am sharp. The

breakfast is FREE and all men are welcome, bring a friend.

Please RSVP so we can have a headcount: janderson4340@sbcglobal.net / or text to 330-283-7130

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Tour of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

Tour of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

On Sunday, July 14 St. Sebastian Parish has the privilege to host the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. We are in need of volunteers.

Fr. Valencheck has specifically requested the Knights of Columbus to offer assistance. Help will be needed for set up, parking, clean up, and general help during specific shifts throughout the day.

Please be sure to reserve some time to serve our parish and the thousands of pilgrims who are expected to visit on July 14.

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40TH Annual Bishop’s Seminary Brunch

40TH Annual Bishop’s Seminary Brunch

The Bishop’s Seminary Brunch is a public expression of appreciation and moral support to the men offering themselves in priestly formation to the community and Diocese of Cleveland. Additionally, the Brunch provides financial support for unusual and emergency needs of the seminarians through donations to the Rector’s Fund.

The council has donated seating for the 2 tables.

Contact FS Charlie Murphy for availablity at the council’s table or go to Cleveland Catholic Priesthood for more information and registration options.

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